Impulse talks & discussion

eXtended reality for healthcare applications

3D data and XR technologies offer realistic training scenarios, support diagnostics, planning and operations, and improve training and therapy. They help to master complex challenges and optimize medical practice.

Background: Procedures and device technology in medicine are developing rapidly and the number of knowledge domains to be mastered is constantly growing. The availability of 3D data in medical applications is increasing, but image interpretation remains a key human function. Complex operations have to be planned in detail, taking into account both medical and economic aspects. Restricted vision and indirect working during minimally invasive procedures require very careful training. Scenario training must necessarily be highly realistic, cover rare pathologies, allow objective assessment of performance and be easily accessible. In all these challenges, eXtended Reality (XR) can make a meaningful contribution. 3D visualization and 3D interaction are already being used successfully in numerous medical fields of application. Many of the solutions available today have reached a level of maturity that allows them to be used directly in practice. Nevertheless, there are a number of unresolved challenges.

Current areas of application for XR in medicine and medical technology are very wide-ranging. These include XR-supported diagnostics by analyzing 3D data from volume-generating procedures such as computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. Simulation data (e.g. from strength/stress calculations, flow, fluidics, kinematics, multi-body systems) can also be analyzed in XR. XR also supports intervention planning (e.g. procedures and routes, radiation) as well as intraoperatively: augmented reality-based navigation support in the sense of an extended surgical field of vision is already being tested in a prototypical manner. Telemedicine, like scenario training, relies on sophisticated graphic-haptic environments that not only provide visual feedback but can also reproduce forces. In this way, endoscopic and surgical activities can be practiced safely. At the same time, mastering the correct processes and procedures as well as the equipment technology plays an important role in training. Digital atlases of the human body provide detailed insights into anatomy, physiology and biomechanics on the screen. Haptic XR is used in rehabilitation to train motor skills. Psychiatric therapy successfully uses XR scenarios to overcome a wide range of phobias. 3D-supported workflow and layout planning systems are now being used for the first time in hospitals, for example. Illustration techniques based on computer graphics do not stop at medical technology either, with a number of successful implementations.

Please note: most of the sessions are held in German. 

Time   Presentation Speaker
10:15 - 10:30 Welcome Address and Introduction to XR in Medical Technology Prof. Dr. Christoph Runde, Managing Director Virtual Dimension Center (VDC)
10:30 - 11:00

Virtual Worlds, Digital Twins, XR, and AI in Medical Technology

Digital device, machinery, and equipment twins, AR and VR technology, virtual 3D worlds, as well as Artificial Intelligence, impact the entire value chain of medical technology companies. Using specific use cases and best practice examples, this keynote presentation showcases the extensive potential for utilization from development through training, marketing & sales to technical support. Forward-thinking topics such as the Industrial Metaverse and Generative AI are also addressed in their concrete usage perspective.

Oliver Schuler, CEO & CTO TriCAT

11:00 - 11:30

A solution Center for High Tech in Medical Engineering: CASE4Med

The usage of advanced technologies like simulation, high performance computing, AI or XR requires significant knowledge. Especially small and medium sized companies often find it difficult to find the time to take a closer look at these technologies, which in turn often leads to missed chances, that competitors might benefit from. The medical solution center CASE4Med is an initiative that will help companies to overcome this by creating a community of different stakeholders, whose combination will benefit all. It is not only oriented towards companies who might use these technologies, but also addresses product developers, service providers, consultants as well as researchers and sector associations. By bringing together the different players in these fields a thorough exchange becomes much easier, challenges can be addressed together, cooperation with universities will be easier and technology transfer will be eased significantly. This CASE4Med will be introduced and the topics it can address will be presented, in order to explain how win-win constellations can help everyone.

Dr. Andreas Wierse, CEO SICOS BW GmbH

Prof. Dr. Martin Haimerl, Director of Innovation and Research Center Tuttlingen at Furtwangen University

11:30 - 12:00

The Power of 3D Visualization: VR Configurators and Beyond for Medical Technology

Delivering top-quality, diverse, and emotionally engaging marketing content through 3D: Using a specific customer example, Meyle+Müller provides insights into the possibilities of 3D in medical technology – from creating visual content for product images and emotional videos to using VR to create entirely new product experiences.

Moritz Müller, COO Meyle+Müller GmbH+Co. KG

Christian Weber, Authorized Signatory & Content Specialist Meyle+Müller GmbH+Co. KG
12:00 - 12:30

Digital Twins in the Industrial Metaverse for Medical Technology

Digital twins, representing either real or purely virtual products, have the potential to significantly enhance quality, productivity, and efficiency. The Industrial Metaverse provides the optimal access to digital twins, facilitating a new level of collaboration among all stakeholders throughout the entire product lifecycle. This presentation introduces the topic and demonstrates productive applications through practical examples.

Dr. Matthias Bues, Head of Visual Interactive Technologies at Fraunhofer IAO
12:30 - 13:30 Break
13:30 - 14:00

Future Developments with Multiview VR Displays on LED Basis to a New Level

The development of medical products is advancing at an unstoppable pace, with ever shorter cycles. Here, three-dimensional views of complex products and involvement from various areas within the company or partners can be a great aid and accelerator.
Instead of cumbersome VR goggles, our system can display virtual models on an LED display using simple shutter glasses, allowing multiple viewers to see the models from their own perspective. Participants can not only naturally recognize each other and interpret gestures and facial expressions without doubt but also discuss the virtual model in front of them by naturally pointing with hand or finger while engaging with others.
We present our technology and demonstrate how it can be advantageously utilized in development.

Dr. Steffen Hergert, CEO xCave Technology GmbH
14:00 - 14:30

Medical Device Engineering in a Collaborative Environment

In the ever-evolving landscape of medical device engineering, collaboration emerges as the cornerstone of innovation and progress. This presentation delves into the intricate realm of "Medical Device Engineering in a Collaborative Environment," exploring how collaborative efforts drive advancements within the medical sphere.
At the heart of this presentation lies instant3Dhub, a pioneering platform that revolutionizes engineering collaboration. Through a seamless integration of cutting-edge technology and interdisciplinary teamwork, instant3Dhub empowers professionals to transcend communication boundaries and collaborate in real-time.
Join us on a journey through the dynamic intersection of engineering and medicine, where the fusion of expertise nurtures groundbreaking solutions. Discover how instant3Dhub serves as the catalyst for enhanced communication, accelerated development cycles, and ultimately, the delivery of life-changing medical devices.

Hannes Krug, Product Manager Threedy GmbH
14:30 - 15:00

Modern Training Methods through the Use of XR Technologies

In this presentation, we highlight the possibilities of integrating XR technologies sensibly into training and further education.
In the first part of the presentation, we provide an introduction to the terminology and an overview of current XR technologies.
We present new learning and teaching methods to make training and further education more interactive and thus more effective.
We introduce hybrid learning formats, where different media for learning theory are optimally linked with simulations for active training to enhance understanding.
This provides you with a new awareness of contemporary and future-oriented learning methods.
To deepen the information, we offer the opportunity to practically try out a selection of XR technologies with thematically relevant applications.

Christoph Gawel, Director of Sales and XR Coach at imsimity GmbH
15:00 - 15:30

XR Training Platform

Actimage's innovative XR platform, ActiXR-Skills, enables manufacturers to create customized training scenarios and simulations specific to their medical devices and products, enhancing learning experiences through the latest XR technology. It features a user-friendly interface, pre-built templates and interactive elements. This intuitive design allows users to easily configure their training environments and integrate custom assets, tailoring the platform to specific training needs and objectives.

Dr. Marc Lott, CEO/Managing Director Kompetek Interaktiv GmbH
15:30 - 16:00

Using AI and VR for training in Medical (presentation in English)

The presentation will revolve around recent developments in AI with Chat GPT, and how these new tools can be used to improve current training for Doctors and Medical Sales executives. By creating immersive and interactive VR environments, users can have real time dialogue with an Avatar in a role of their choosing. We discuss the various social, environmental and economic benefits of future learning technologies.

Vitek Goyel, CEO/Managing Director Kompetek Interaktiv GmbH
16:00 - 16:30 

VR training on TRUMPF AM systems - Solid White for toolcraft AG

Using a concrete example, we present our real-time 3D solution VISHOW. A central system perfectly tailored to B2B requirements, consisting of applications for WIN, iOS and WebGL, CMS and backend; which can be used in marketing and sales as well as training, and of course also fully supports mouse, keyboard and touch, and is multi-user capable.

Simon Walk, CEO SOLID WHITE design & digital media GmbH

Speakers (13)

Prof. Dr. Christoph Runde

Prof. Dr. Christoph Runde

Managing Director Virtual Dimension Center (VDC)

Oliver Schuler

Oliver Schuler


Dr. Andreas Wierse

Dr. Andreas Wierse


Prof. Dr. Martin Haimerl

Prof. Dr. Martin Haimerl

SDirector of Innovation and Research Center Tuttlingen at Furtwangen University

Moritz Müller

Moritz Müller

COO Meyle+Müller GmbH+Co. KG

Christian Weber

Christian Weber

Authorized Signatory & Content Specialist Meyle+Müller GmbH+Co. KG

Dr. Matthias Bues

Dr. Matthias Bues

Head of Visual Interactive Technologies at Fraunhofer IAO

Dr. Steffen Hergert

Dr. Steffen Hergert

CEO xCave Technology GmbH

Hannes Krug

Hannes Krug

Product Manager Threedy GmbH

Christoph Gawel

Christoph Gawel

Director of Sales and XR Coach at imsimity GmbH

Dr. Marc Lott

Dr. Marc Lott

CEO Actimage GmbH

Vitek Goyel

Vitek Goyel

CEO/Managing Director Kompetek Interaktiv GmbH

Simon Walk

Simon Walk

CEO SOLID WHITE design & digital media GmbH