Your contacts of MedtecLIVE


Here you can find out who you can contact if you have any questions.

Contact for Exhibitors

Team MedtecLIVE

Jessica Nether, Silke Ludwig, Christopher Boss, Claudia Bauerfeind

  +49 9 11 86 06-85 44

Team ExhibitorServices

Our team will support you in planning your trade fair presentation and answer your questions about logistics, catering, cleaning, waste disposal, security services and other services for you.

Stuttgart Messe Services

  +49 711 18560-2444

Jessica Nether

Manager Sales

  +49 9 11 86 06-86 03

Silke Ludwig

Manager Sales

  +49 9 11 86 06-84 99

International representatives

If you have any questions about visiting or participating in MedtecLIVE, our contacts worldwide will help you quickly and easily. Find the right contact in your country here.

Find the right contact


Carl Veldman and Team

Regardless of whether it's tickets, registration, services at the trade fair center or the trade fair program: Are you planning your visit to the trade fair and still have questions? The VisitorService team will be happy to help you.

  +49 9 11 86 06 95 95

International representatives

If you have any questions about visiting or participating in MedtecLIVE, our contacts worldwide will help you quickly and easily. Find the right contact in your country here.

Find the right contact

Your contact

Jens Fuderholz

Jens Fuderholz

Would you like editorial information on MedtecLIVE or may I support you with your reporting? I am happy to help you and look forward to your enquiry.

  +49 911 977 916-16

Christina Freund

Christina Freund

Would you like editorial information on MedtecLIVE or may I support you with your reporting? I am happy to help you and look forward to your enquiry.

  +49 9 11 86 06 83 55

Copyright © 2024 MedtecLIVE GmbH

Image sources: Conversation © NuernbergMesse/ Heiko Stahl