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MedtecLIVE 2024 is the leading trade fair in Europe for the development and manufacture of medical technology

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Best practice

Valuable tips on how to navigate through the regulatory jungle

At MedtecLIVE 2023 in Nuremberg, Steffen Eschinger, strategy consultant for medical technology companies, reported on which procedures have proven to be effective for the (re)certification of medical devices and which pitfalls should be avoided at all costs.

Press releases

MedtecLIVE demonstrates the great innovative strength of medical technology in Stuttgart

The main lines of medical technology, exciting topics and intensive exchange were the focus of MedtecLIVE 2024, where key players in the medical technology industry met in Stuttgart from 18 to 20 June.


Interview with Christian Johner: "The bottleneck of notified bodies is starting to ease."

In view of the MDR hurdles, medical technology manufacturers are considering launching their products on the US market first. But there is light at the end of the tunnel in the EU, says Christian Johner, founder and partner of the Johner Institute, in an interview with Inside Industry.

Press releases

Start-ups in the spotlight at MedtecLIVE 2024

Start-up pitch: top-class prizes for innovative ideas // Sponsored joint stand: 'Young Innovators' // International start-up area: 'International Innovators'


Heads of the industry: A portrait of Bernd Block

Emotions, empathy and drive: Dr. Bernd Block is a global industry manager for medical technology at Trumpf Laser- und Systemtechnik AG in Ditzingen. His career is characterized by a multifaceted academic career. But for Block, his work is more than just a job - it is his passion.

Best practice

Start-ups series: Vibrations in the body show the surgeon the way

When the needle presses against tissue in the body during minimally invasive procedures, vibrations are generated. Sensors can report these tiny earthquakes back to the surgeon and guide him. With this approach, the young start-up Surag Medical aims to make operations safer and more cost-effective.

Best practice

Start-up series: To the top of the world market with bioplastics?

Sustainability in medical technology is more important than ever. Biovox from Darmstadt has caught the right moment. The start-up is the first supplier of recyclable bioplastics approved for use in medical technology. We present Biovox in our series on young companies.


In the cycle of progress: sustainable medical technology and the challenges facing the sector

The manufacture, use and disposal of medical devices and products, as well as their energy intensity, contribute to the global climate crisis. "Sustainable practices" in medical technology are therefore of great importance in paving the way for a more environmentally friendly healthcare industry.


When will artificial intelligence replace doctors?

AI has had a major impact on medical technology in recent years – both in the development and manufacture of medical products as well as in diagnostics and therapy.

Best practice

Surfaces with function: high-speed lasers make life difficult for bacteria

Modifying surfaces using laser technology is nothing new. But doing it cost-effectively and in large quantities is. Surfunction has the expertise to do this. The Saarbrücken-based start-up functionalises surfaces of implants or surgical instruments so that harmful germs don't stand a chance.

Range of products

  • S Consulting
  • S Marketing/Sales
  • S Other services

About us

Meeting place for medical technology manufacturers

With its focus on the digital, automated, sustainable and resilient development and production of medical technology, MedtecLIVE creates an unrivaled future relevance among all medical technology events. But MedtecLIVE is more than just a trade fair. MedtecLIVE also connects the community online all year round. This is where medical technology is spoken and understood 100%. Diverse formats tailored to the needs of the industry offer solutions, inspiration and orientation. 

MedtecLIVE 2024 in Stuttgart is easily accessible and centrally located. After all, the heart of medical technology in Germany beats in southern Germany. And Europe, with Germany as its main market, is one of the world's three leading markets for the development and manufacture of medical technology alongside the USA and China.

The medical technology trade fair brings together solution-orientated forward-thinkers who exhibit innovative processes in the manufacture of the latest medical technology. In addition to the latest processes, components, materials and services from the entire value chain, the focus is on personal networking.