Market & Industry MedtecLIVE 2024

Management & Krankenhaus: Your No. 1 for Healthcare

Management & Krankenhaus addresses top management as well as all managers and users at in-patient facilities who are involved in investment decisions and process optimization.

Management & Krankenhaus addresses top management as well as all managers and users at in-patient facilities who are involved in investment decisions and process optimization. It also reaches the whole sales channel, from the manufacturer through the distributors right up to the end users.

Management & Krankenhaus provides comprehensive reports on all matters relevant to in-patient healthcare:

  • health economy
  • health policy
  • hygiene
  • IT & communication
  • laboratories & diagnostics
  • medicine & technology
  • construction
  • fitting-out
  • furnishing

Readers are additionally informed about market developments, new products, applications, trends and background information. The print version of Management & Krankenhaus has the widest market distribution in this industry. Along with the b2b “” portal, it reaches the most readers in in-patient healthcare throughout Germany. Neutral reports, coverage and a balanced editorial concept are further factors that contribute to keeping Management & Krankenhaus in its leading position as a media channel.