Best practice MedtecLIVE 2024

Development of an AI assistance system for intensive care

Mona is an innovative, latest-generation, language-based assistance system that uses AI algorithms and telemedicine to provide direct support in healthcare. Mona is the key to cost-controlled, evidence-based, data-controlled intensive-care medicine.


To ensure optimal series production of Mona (Medical Onsite Assistent), our team applied its full expertise. We also provided Clinomic with extensive support in the approval process. Mona is now in series production with a 24" 4k touchscreen, 8 AI-supported microphones, a 180°, 8-megapixel camera, radar module, RFID, 5G, LTE, Bluetooth, and Wifi. 

  • Development: Idea, concept, design, planning
  • Manufacturing: prototyping, preliminary series, series final assembly
  • Service: material management, logistics, after-sales

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