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Bo-Inno GmbH

Bo-Inno GmbH

Short description

The family-run company BO-INNO was founded in 2010 and specializes in individual workpiece carriers and cleaning baskets for cleaning processes and internal logistics.

from Mittelbiberach, Germany



Regina Preysing
Matthias Ritschl
Muhammad Usman Sardar
Stefan Klem
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BO-INNO GmbH is your competent partner in the areas of consulting, idea development, sample production & manufacture of workpiece carrier systems and cleaning baskets. We combine our many years of experience for individual solutions from a single source.
Our expertise lies in consulting and brainstorming for innovative solutions and products in the field of wire processing.
O-INNO has made a name for itself in recent years, particularly in the field of cleaning technology and workpiece carriers for logistics solutions.

We offer:

  • Design and development services for workpiece carriers & cleaning baskets
  • Innovative and high-quality workpiece carrier and cleaning solutions
  • both sample and series production, regardless of quantity


Bo-Inno GmbH

Mittelbiberach, Germany
Industriestraße 42-44


Lukas Borst

Lukas Borst

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