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Transformation: The great opportunity in medical technology?!

The opportunities and chances of medical technology for industries in transformation will be the topic of MedtecLIVE with T4M from 23-25 May in Nuremberg.

Nürnberg, Germany

“We are experiencing strong transformation pressure, especially among automotive suppliers, to open up new sales markets. The medical technology market is similarly demanding like the automotive sector, but it is growing at a very stable rate of just under five percent per year,” sums up Christopher Boss, Executive Director of MedtecLIVE. “This offers many opportunities to diversify our own business. We want to provide support for this with various formats and events.”

The market for medical technology in Germany has consistently grown faster than the rest of the economy over the past ten years. The opportunities and chances of medical technology for industries in transformation will be the topic of MedtecLIVE with T4M from 23-25 May in Nuremberg. “We are experiencing strong transformation pressure, especially among automotive suppliers, to open up new sales markets. The medical technology market is similarly demanding like the automotive sector, but it is growing at a very stable rate of just under five percent per year,” sums up Christopher Boss, Executive Director of MedtecLIVE. “This offers many opportunities to diversify our own business. We want to provide support for this with various formats and events.”

In particular for industries facing necessary changes and reorientation due to disruptive changes, such as in the automotive industry, NürnbergMesse intends to provide helpful information with the trade fair, which offers a platform for the entire value chain in the production of medical technology. “Some of our exhibitors took this path very successfully years ago and are thriving with it today,” says Boss. “Getting into medical technology is a long road. But we have been able to increase our share of turnover in medical technology from zero to 18 percent in the last 20 years,” confirms Matthias Dietz, Managing Director of Coburg-based Dietz GmbH, a medium-sized manufacturer of precision springs and wire bending parts and an exhibitor at MedtecLIVE with T4M.

OECHSLER AG, another exhibitor at MedtecLIVE with T4M, has also successfully tackled the transformation into medical technology. The company has set up its own procedures, processes, and infrastructure for medical technology. Because: “'A little bit of medical technology' is not possible, the more consistent, the more successful!”, reports Felix Hess, Vice President Sales Healthcare at OECHSLER. “Transformation will therefore be a focus topic at this year's MedtecLIVE with T4M, which we will take up and deepen with various formats such as guided tours or discussions in the Medical World Café,” says Boss.

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MedtecLIVE with T4M: The entire manufacturing process of medical technology – from the idea to production

At MedtecLIVE with T4M product developers and buyers from distributors and OEMs will meet the most important suppliers of medical technology in Europe. The event is held annually, alternating between the two medical technology locations of Nuremberg and Stuttgart, and covers the entire value chain with its range of offerings. The exhibition is accompanied by a comprehensive supporting program, which covers the most important topics and trends in the industry. In 2023, the international MedtecSUMMIT congress of the Bavarian Ministry of Economy, Energy and Regional Development will also provide a platform for dialogue and innovation. The event is rounded off by tailored digital services for exhibitors and visitors. As conceptual sponsors, MedtecLIVE with T4M is supported by Forum MedTech Pharma, VDMA Working Group Medical Technology and Swiss Medtech.


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Jens Fuderholz / Christina Freund

Jens Fuderholz / Christina Freund

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