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Product MedtecLIVE 2024

PRIMA Z vial - Cost savings through continuous aseptic production of plastic vaccine containers

Medicine containers for liquid vaccine can also be made of plastic instead of glass. ZAHORANSKY implemented a pioneering customer project in which the containers do not require sterilization.

ZAHORANSKY Automation & Molds GmbH
Freiburg, Germany

A medication container for a liquid vaccine can use plastic instead of glass thanks to ZAHORANSKY's advanced injection mold tooling and manufacturing equipment. This is accompanied - due to the elimination of the risk of breakage - by advantages in storage and handling in doctors' offices, laboratories, hospitals, as well as in emer[1]gency medical services. The special feature: In this special application, sterilization could be completely dispensed, since the product runs directly into aseptic filling after production via injection stretch blow molding - a novelty in this area.

Continuous aseptic production

To ensure the aseptic production of this special product, the injection stretch blow molding tool and the assembly unit work together in a class 6 clean room cell. The vial is removed directly from the injection molding chamber and sealed without leaving the sterile environment. 
In the next steps, the pre-assembled container is ejected from the system, transported to the filling system via a transport unit, filled and finally fed to the packaging machine. 
The continuous aseptic production of the main components eliminates the washing, drying, testing and sterilization processes otherwise required for glass, resulting in considerable cost savings. 

Production lines for any requirement

Based on customer-specific product designs, a cycle time of 15 to 17 seconds can be achieved on the three currently available PRIMA Z production lines using the no-human-touch process. Ready-to-use syringes (Pre-Filled Syringes, PFS) according to ISO11040-6 with filling quantities of 0.5 to 5 ml, cannula sizes of 19 G to 32 G and cannula lengths of 12 to 45 mm can be manufactured for immediate filling. Our PRIMA Z lines produce up to 3,400 parts per hour.

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Marc Schmidt

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