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Press releases MedtecLIVE 2024

MedtecLIVE demonstrates the great innovative strength of medical technology in Stuttgart

The main lines of medical technology, exciting topics and intensive exchange were the focus of MedtecLIVE 2024, where key players in the medical technology industry met in Stuttgart from 18 to 20 June.

At the stands of 376 exhibitors from 26 countries, the focus was on practical and application-oriented innovations, products and solutions. The trade fair forum, which was well attended throughout, focussed on the framework conditions relating to funding and regulation.

"Our second appearance in Stuttgart was characterised by high quality - in terms of the contacts made by the exhibitors as well as the many excellently attended content-related discussions on the stages," summarised Christopher Boss, Managing Director of MedtecLIVE GmbH and Executive Director of the event. "MedtecLIVE is the home for innovators along the entire value chain of medical technology - the event once again perfectly lived up to this claim."

Strong supporting programme

Whether at the stands, on the forum stage or at the Exhibitor Forumthis year's focus was particularly on digitalisation, automation, regulation, and the circular economy and their impact on the development and manufacture of medical technology in Europe.

How can German medical technology remain innovative? This question sparked full attendance in the trade fair forum. A panel organised by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research attempted to provide answers from various perspectives. The use of AI and robotics will bring about significant upheavals and changes in the medium and long term. During the discussion, Dr. Paul Martin Weigl, CEO of MECEOR GmbH, cautioned that patients should not be neglected across the board: "In Formula 1, a lot of money is being spent to gain another two milliseconds and at some point it will move over to the normal automotive industry. It's the same in medicine. But the Federal Ministry of Education and Research manages taxpayers' money, which it pushes into funding projects." It is therefore important to effectively communicate the benefits for taxpayers. "For those who don't need cutting-edge medicine but rely on everyday treatments. And I believe there is a great opportunity to achieve this with medical products, with AI, with the democratisation of therapies that are currently very expensive." There was consensus that the industry could remain innovative, but that public funding could be optimised. In line with this, Dr Jürgen Helfmann from the BMBF's project management agency, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH, announced that an imminent update of the funding guidelines would take much greater account of the industry's concerns. The discussions at the BVMed network breakfast, organised by the trade association for the medical technology sector as part of the trade fair, followed similar lines. Leonie Dirks, Ministerial Director and Head of Office at the Baden-Württemberg Ministry for Social Affairs, Health and Integration, provided an exciting insight into the endeavours of the Baden-Württemberg state government.

For Alexander Rehn, Global Business Development Manager Life Science Partnerships at Henkel AG and one of the judges of the start-up contest, networking took centre stage: "MedtecLIVE is a central forum for us and for the leading players in the industry to establish contacts with leading medical technology manufacturers on the one hand and with highly innovative start-ups on the other. After the trade fair, I come back strengthened with impressions to understand what are really the topics that affect medical technology today, but also what are the topics that will shape our landscape in the next five to ten years."

MedtecLIVE: "The living room of medical technology manufacturing"

Sonja Großmann, Regional VP Medical Devices and IVD Auditing & Testing at TÜV Rheinland, says: "We always enjoy attending MedtecLIVE because we find an incredible number of manufacturers and providers who offer the entire manufacturing process from the idea to the field. That's what's special about MedtecLIVE here in Stuttgart. We find contacts and sparring partners from all areas." Peter Beisswenger, Sales Engineer at Keyence Deutschland GmbH, is also convinced of MedtecLIVE's position in southern Germany: "It's an extremely interesting trade fair for us because we want to be where our customers are. You meet existing customers and can discuss new applications, and it's a fantastic place to do that here in southern Germany in the Tuttlingen area." The special atmosphere is also a convincing argument for Dr Bernd Block, Industry Manager Medical Technologies at Trumpf Laser- und Systemtechnik AG: "MedtecLIVE is a permanent fixture for us because it is the place where we exchange ideas with customers, future customers and colleagues from other companies. It's a bit like the living room of medical technology manufacturing in Germany."

Start-ups: Early help for the abdominal aorta

MedtecLIVE once again offered numerous opportunities for start-ups this year. Angiolutions GmbH, which is working on the world's first treatment for early-stage abdominal aortic aneurysms, took first place in the start-up contest and an attractive prize offered by EIT Health. Marius Rummel, Chief Business Officer at Angiolutions, says: "I am particularly pleased that we have won first prize here today. This is a great endorsement for our company and our product and, of course, a great sign for the patients who are hoping for treatment. Many thanks to the entire MedtecLIVE team, the jury and also to the other inspiring start-ups."

Networks show their strengths

The numerous large joint stands, including those of the German Engineering Federation (VDMA), the German Association of Tool and Mould Makers (VDWF), Innonet Kunststoff, Swiss Medtech, Bayern Innovativ and Medical Mountains from Tuttlingen, were also well attended. They facilitated an intensive exchange for networking among the participants and within the industry and offered visitors a good overview of the diversity of the individual networks and regions. "Our companies - and I personally - are very happy that we are now in Hall 1 in Stuttgart. That we have found our fixed place here, where we meet and that we also have growth potential here. We can conclude that we are particularly satisfied with the quality of the visitors. Because the important thing is that the quality is right. And we can be very satisfied with that," summarises Niklas Kuczaty, Managing Director of VDMA HealthTech "We are already looking forward to 2026 in Stuttgart and also to the platforms that MedtecLIVE 2025 offers."

MedtecLIVE becomes a brand family with new formats

The next MedtecLIVE will take place from 5 to 7 May 2026 in Stuttgart. Prior to this, the MedtecLIVE brand will offer further formats for the medical technology industry with the MedtecLIVE Innovation Expo, the MedtecLIVE Healthtech Pavilion and the digital MedtecLIVE Community to set trends, attract new business partners and strengthen its position in the supply chain.

The MedtecLIVE Innovation Expo at MedtecSUMMIT will take place from 18 to 19 February 2025 in Nuremberg. A limited number of participating companies will have the opportunity to present their innovations to an audience with an R&D focus and to find out about innovations and functioning innovation processes at the technology and science centre Nuremberg-Fürth-Erlangen and to engage in an intensive exchange with experts from business, application, science and politics.

MedtecLIVE is planning a new strategic partnership with automatica, the leading trade fair for intelligent automation and robotics, which will take place from 24 to 27 June 2025 at the same time as LASER World of PHOTONICS. There will be a MedtecLIVE Healthtech Pavilion at the trade fair for the first time. The joint stand combines medical technology with robotics and automation, thus opening up new areas of application and target groups. The cooperation is complemented by an attractive lecture programme.

The offer is rounded off by the year-round, digital MedtecLIVE Community. The 365-day platform that uses algorithms to ensure a match between the interests of participants and the relevant exhibitor content. The unique networking and information offering with the most important topics relating to the manufacture and development of medical technology brings people together long before and after the trade fair on the topics and issues that are relevant to them.


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