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Product MedtecLIVE 2024

HIRAC - Hardware Independent Robotic Assistance Controller

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HIRAC - Hardware Independent Robotic Assistance Controller

Project management and software development for our new research project.

Client: ZIM
Techniques: Python, ROS2, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, VS Code, Linux, Webinterface and others

We are pleased to present our new research project: HIRAC - Hardware Independent Robotic Assistance Controller. Cadida Software, in collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences Offenburg, has initiated this exciting project to sustainably improve the quality of life of persons with total body paralysis and persons with Locked-In Syndrome.

Totally paralyzed individuals and patients with locked-in syndrome face significant challenges in everyday life. Even basic actions such as reaching for a glass of water are often out of their reach. The limited ability to speak also makes it difficult to use voice-controlled devices. The HIRAC project aims to help these people while relieving the burden on caregivers.

The vision is to develop an assistance system consisting of artificial intelligence (AI), eye tracking control of the wheelchair, a gripper arm on the wheelchair and voice output. This system is intended to enable persons with total body paralysis to perform everyday tasks independently and significantly improve their quality of life.

The development of such an assistance system requires complex technical solutions. In particular, it is crucial to develop a component that is compatible with and can control commercially available wheelchairs, robotic arms, gripping mechanisms and eye tracking glasses. This component is called HIRAC (Hardware Independent Robotic Assistance Controller).

Our task is to develop this hardware-independent middleware that can solve the robot grasping tasks. This middleware integrates a powerful AI that merges and controls eye tracking control, image processing, sensor feedback and object manipulation. In doing so, HIRAC is designed to have a wide range of applications not only in the social sector, but also in industry. HIRAC relies on current machine learning methods, in particular Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning.

In addition, Cadida develops the software framework that integrates the various components such as user interface, robot control, AI, etc. We rely on valued solution in the robotics domain such as ROS2.

We are proud to be able to work on this groundbreaking project with the support of the Central Innovation Program for SMEs (ZIM). This funding will allow us to move full steam ahead with the development and implementation of HIRAC.

We are confident that HIRAC will make a significant contribution to improving the quality of life of persons with total body paralysis and persons with Locked-In Syndrome. We look forward to the challenges and opportunities this project will bring and will keep you informed of our progress.
