Product MedtecLIVE 2024

Find out more about our customised solutions for medical technology at S+D METALS

Our customised semi-finished products made of high-performance materials meet the most demanding requirements of medical technology. Find out more at MedtecLIVE!

S+D METALS is your reliable partner for customised solutions in medical technology. With a wide range of high-performance, high-quality titanium products, we offer the perfect basis for the manufacture of implants, prostheses, surgical instruments and more. Our many years of experience and expertise enable us to offer solutions that not only meet the highest quality standards, but also exceed our customers' expectations.

A key aspect of our offering is the flexibility and customisability of our products. We understand that every medical technology application is unique and has different requirements. Therefore, we work closely with our customers to understand their specific needs and develop customised solutions that perfectly fit their requirements.

In addition, we place great emphasis on our service. Our dedicated team is there to support you throughout the entire process, from choosing the right materials to delivery and beyond. Our service for waterjet cutting is particularly noteworthy. Thanks to our own machinery and experienced cooperation partners, we offer precise and customised waterjet cutting that fulfils even the most complex requirements. This enables our customers to save time and resources while maximising the quality of their products.

Visit us at MedtecLIVE to find out more about our customised solutions for medical technology. Find out how S+D METALS can help you achieve your goals and realise your visions.