Market & Industry MedtecLIVE 2024

Boundless enthusiasm for innovation

Innovative tools, used efficiently. That is our formula for success for the best machining results. We develop, manufacture and distribute high-quality micro-tools made of solid carbide for the machining of sophisticated metal and plastic components.

At Hobe innovation results from motivation. Our medium-sized enterprise is perfectly dimensioned to foster an effective innovation culture. Thus, every employee is encouraged to contribute creative ideas and new solutions. As a company, we regard our clients' complex demands as welcome challenges, which we meet by delivering seemingly impossible solutions. There lies indeed our commitment: to keep on developing and innovating for our customers. Our efforts in this respect are reflected in award-winning product innovations, high advisory skills and the quality of our personal customer care.

We can thank our motivated, highly trained employees and their commitment to deliver our compelling product and service quality at all times to our clients. Accordingly, Hobe produces exclusively in Germany with development and manufacturing all under one roof. All business processes are reviewed by a certified quality management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001 and are continuously improved. For us, quality means optimum product properties, tailor-made tool and process solutions and a reasonable price-performance ratio.