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Swiss Medtech - Schweizer Medizintechnikverband

Swiss Medtech - Schweizer Medizintechnikverband

Short description

Swiss Medtech represents and promotes the interests of the Swiss medical technology industry. We are committed to an environment in which medical technology can deliver top performance for the benefit of first-class medical care.

from Bern, Switzerland



Matthias Ritschl
Shayan Balali
Matthias Schwarz
Vincent Irrling
21 Following
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Swiss Medtech represents and promotes the interests of the Swiss medical technology industry. We are dedicated to an optimum environment that promotes innovations and start-ups and reinforces the competitiveness of companies. For this purpose, we actively incorporate the common interests of our members in decision-making processes regarding economic and health policies and promote networking within the industry and with relevant actors. We work closely with our members, informing them of essential developments and supporting them in the event of challenges. As an industry association, we are the first point of contact for all matters in the Swiss medtech industry and we inform the public of their importance and activities.


Swiss Medtech

Bern, Switzerland
Freiburgstrasse 3


Doris Loretan

Doris Loretan

Projectmanager Fairs & Finance
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Angela D'Aranno

Angela D'Aranno

Project Assistant
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