Sasse Elektronik GmbH

Short description

We produce and develop functionally safe solutions ranging from subsystems to complete devices for medical technology, life sciences, and laboratory technology. We excel in every project phase with our outstanding expertise!

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Range of products

  • D Contract development
  • D Prototyping
  • D Process design
  • D Process development
  • I Hardware
  • I Human-Machine Interface (HMI)
  • I Machine-Machine Interface (MMI)
  • M Electronic components
  • M Control system/Controls
  • M Motors
  • M Sensors
  • P Contract manufacturing
  • P OEM
  • M Testing equipment
  • M Testing systems
  • M Validation
  • S Consulting
  • S Approval
  • S Certification
  • S Continuing education/training
  • S Quality assurance, quality control
  • S Other services

About us

Mitarbeiter der Sasse Elektronik, aufgenommen im April 2023 in Schwabach.

We are SASSE!

With more than 100 employees, we develop and manufacture powerful, economical and high-quality systems for a globally active customer base.

With over 77 years of experience in the development and production of functionally safe devices, we help you to realize your product ideas and innovations on time and on budget.

As an award-winning and certified partner, we ensure that our solutions meet the highest standards of quality and safety and, of course, comply with all relevant guidelines and regulations.

At a Glance:

  • 100 employees
  • 4000 m² production area
  • 77 years of experience
  • 20 million in revenue
  • 9001 certified
  • 13485 certified
  • Made in Germany