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Paul Büetiger AG

Paul Büetiger AG

Short description

Our core competences are package inserts and instructions for use for pharmaceutical and medical technology. Printed and electronic. We offer an ISO 13485-certified platform for electronic instructions for use for medical devices (eIFU).

from Biberist, Switzerland



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As a medium-sized, family-owned printing company that is almost 100 years old, we have experienced the transformation of digitalisation at first hand.

 Our core expertise is the design, printing and finishing of instructions for use and package inserts for the pharmaceutical and medical technology industries.

We are the only company in Switzerland that now produces medical films, primarily for X-ray templates.

In the specially created "smartifu" platform, we offer a solution for electronic instructions for use, especially for medical products.

The design and printing of other print products and the development and design of websites round off our range of services.


Paul Büetiger AG

Biberist, Switzerland
Solothurnstrasse 57


Alexander Rech

Alexander Rech

Sales Manager
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